K.I.T.T. (short for Knight Industries Two Thousand) is a fictional, highly advanced, artificial intelligence-powered car from the 1980s television series Knight Rider. The show, which originally aired from 1982 to 1986, starred David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight, a crime-fighting vigilante, and K.I.T.T., his intelligent, self-aware car.
K.I.T.T. became one of the most iconic vehicles in television history due to its advanced technology and memorable design. K.I.T.T. is equipped with a sophisticated AI system, which allows the car to think, learn, and make decisions autonomously. It could communicate with Michael Knight through an interactive interface, offering advice, gathering information, and providing real-time analysis during their missions.
While Knight Rider originally ran for four seasons, K.I.T.T. has since appeared in various adaptations, spin-offs, and made cameo appearances in other media.
In 2008, there was a Knight Rider reboot, where a new version of K.I.T.T. (now voiced by Val Kilmer) was featured, though it did not achieve the same lasting popularity as the original. K.I.T.T. remains a symbol of 1980s TV, cutting-edge technology (for its time), and an enduring partnership between man and machine.
The Pontiac Trans Am used as K.I.T.T. continues to be a highly sought-after collector's car due to its association with the iconic series.